Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Just wait for what? What a long dry spell. I recon that is the way of the blog. Can afford to get chatty once more. But who will read it? Been a slim time of it even in the past. Must just mostly serve for me to air out the toys in the attic. Or have I surely gone fishing? That is for others to state. But for me to yammer away...

Warm weather, what a long winter it was. The daffodills were the latest I can ever remember them showing. But they have been lasting longer, so that is fine with me. Tulips are fixin' to let loose and I want to get in my rig and drive out for rockhounding. Thats my thing. What? You got a problem with that? You can just take it up with, well, with some one else baby! I'm rockin' on outta here soon as possible. Lay low: getting old.

1 comment:

jasmine said...

good to see you back. I agree, it was a long winter, but sunny days will be along soon. So good luck with your rockhounding.